Pago inscripción adelantada 2024:
>Única cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de marzo.
– Inscripción completa: $ 1.000.000,00 (pesos un millón).
– Inscripción reducida: $ 750.000,00 (pesos setecientos cincuenta mil).
– Media Beca: $ 500.000,00 (pesos quinientos mil).
>Tres cuotas
1° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de marzo – 2° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de abril – 3° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de mayo.
– Inscripción completa: tres cuotas de $ 400.000 (pesos cuatrocientos mil).
– Inscripción reducida: tres cuotas de $ 300.000 (pesos trescientos mil).
– Media Beca: tres cuotas de $ 200.000 (pesos doscientos mil).
>Cinco cuotas
1° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de marzo – 2° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de abril – 3° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de mayo – 4° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de junio – 5° cuota pagadera del 1 al 10 de julio.
– Inscripción completa: cinco cuotas de $300.000 (pesos trescientos mil).
– Inscripción reducida: cinco cuotas de $ 225.000 (pesos doscientos veinticinco mil).
– Media Beca: cinco cuotas de $ 150.000 (pesos ciento cincuenta mil).
Las demoras en el pago tendrán una penalización del 5% por cada 10 días de demora.
El pago de la primera cuota, o la inscripción anticipada, supondrá la efectivización de la inscripción en la Diplomatura.
The Scientific and Industrial Collaborative Node for research and development of Artificial Intelligence is an initiative to build knowledge in Data Science and to develop innovative solutions based on Artificial Intelligence. This working space for the technological innovation and link between the ICT industry and the academic and productive sector aims to join forces in order to add dynamism to the development of the software industry in Cordoba.
The Node is managed together with the Cordoba Technology Cluster, the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Computing (FAMAF), the High Performance Computing Center (CCAD), both institutions belonging to the National University of Cordoba and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Cordoba.
02. How was NODO created?The Scientific and Industrial Collaborative Node for research and development of Artificial Intelligence was introduced in December 2017. In May 2018 the Cordoba Technology Cluster and the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Computing (FAMAF) from the National University of Cordoba entered into an agreement to establish its creation. In 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Cordoba joined this initiative.
The NODO formalized the delivery of the Program “Diploma in Data Science- Machine Learning and its applications between the Industry and the Academic Institution”. It also provides joint work between both institutions to develop Artificial Intelligence projects by starting a supercomputer, and makes the links between the scientific and the productive sector more dynamic by technological linking to work collaboratively on demands and needs from the software industry.
01. What is NODO?